to me.
and Raphael.
so I'm twenty-three. i feel simultaneously old and as if I'm at the beginning of my life. I am about to embark on something truly exciting, as soon as i can make up my mind as to where i will be for at least the next 3 years.
to me, its scary to commit to something for that long. since high school 5 years ago, i've moved from one place to another or back almost every year. ri, atl, ri, ma, nyc, ma. and now there is another move in a few months, though this time it will be semi-permanent. i truly cannot wait. i cant wait to be challenged both artistically personally. to grow in knowledge of my craft and develop skills i may not even be aware of yet. i cant wait to be the quintessential 'art school kid'.
and now, a birthday tradition at Caffe Dolce. i believe an irish coffee is in my immediate future.
(image: Raphael, Self-Portrait c. 1504)
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