Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monet vs. Pollock

started art history II this morning. it was a good class despite the i-think-i-know-everything-even-though-i've-never-taken-art-history-before-and-i-answer-rhetorical-questions-and-interrupt-lectures girl that sits behind me. yes, there is a difference between Monet and Seurat. and Monet and Pollock. i should really stop being an art snob but i can't stand people who think they know everything when they don't and interrupt when my professor asks me to explain the insanely obvious difference between Monet and Pollock.

and i leave you with a little bit of those two great artists while i pack up my materials for Matsuda's drawing class tomorrow.


Amanda LaMartina said...

alright, i am not an artist of the painting variety but even I can tell you that there is a difference between Monet and Pollock. Seurat...well that one i dont actually know, but the other two i do!

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