Sunday, December 20, 2009

Two choice pieces from my review.



Saturday, December 19, 2009

Done AND Done

One semester at the SMFA, completed. As a good friend texted me today, "Let the wild rumpus start!"

Photos of my review board setup coming soon, right now I am at home and just want to chill with the family. Even though I only live and hour away I've only been able to come home twice over the last 3 months, and I really miss everybody.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Starbucks, again.

Only two more days left in the semester. Its absolutely incredible how time seems to go by so fast. My review board is on the 16th of December, and at that point I have to prove how much work I've done in that last 3 months. While I have worked by butt off pretty much non stop since classes began in September, I still have a lot to do before my review board. I don't feel as if I have made the art I want to make, but I think I am on my way. I am almost settled at school, I have amazing teachers and people I can talk to who really care about creating art and discussing motives and inspiration.

I have the most amazing mentor at school, and I know that without her invaluable help, I would be lost here. The week before thanksgiving, I was able to successfully avoid an artistic and academic crisis by sitting down with her and discussing some issues I was having with my classmates and the school in general. In addition to being an amazing person to talk to, she is a great artist -the kind I aspire to be one day. I was able to visit her studio in Southie a few weeks ago, and was completely blown away. I had seen images of her work, but of course there is nothing like being in the presence of the real thing. Seriously, check her out:

I've been sitting in this chair at starbucks for 2 hours already, trying to write a presentation on ancient Peruvian pilgrimage rituals for my art history class. It's really not going where I want it to right now, so i think its time for another refill.

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